Thursday, September 24, 2009

Start your Engines

With this project going on and on lets put on paper what we are talking about. Here are my four most current interesting sites in the "Crosstown" district (Name?) that I want to propose to do "something" with for this semester. There are four categories I-infill, N-new, R-renovate, and T-transportation. OK, here we go

In lead off (also my favorite) sort of a mix between Infill and New it is the site where the current boys ranch is located on 10th street. We will call it Infill because I plan to use existing structure of the site and the bridge. I am seeing so much potential that I dont know where to start. With the 10th st bridge right next to it this building serves as the gateway from the North side of the tracks to downtown zone. This has potiental for residential, commercial and also adding in space for what we are taking away, which is a warehouse and many small buisnesses. Also the site is between the two campuses and offers great views.

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